Solar Variation and Climate Change - in reference to Indian Rainfall Pattern
Life on the Earth depends on energy received from the sun. Any factor that alters the radiation received from the sun or lost to space will affect climate. The Earth’s climate has always being changing. This is documented in historical as well as geological records. There is some indication that solar cycles have an effect on climate. The cloud formation may be influenced by galacitc cosmic rays through ionization change that cause microphysical changes in the atmosphere, affected the growth and nucleation of ice particles. the local decrease in the amount of cloud cover related to short term changes in the cosmic rays due to increased solar activity. Through this paper, we carried out a comprehensive analysis on solar variation and its impact on earth climate from last century. We also analysis the impact of solar variation on Indian Monsoon patter and concluded that Solar variation has directly impact on earth climate as well as causes of flood and drought in India.
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