General Topological Indices of Tetrameric 1,3-Adamantane
Zagreb indices, connectivity indices, inverse sum indeg index, F-index, K-edge index, augmented index, tetrameric 1, 3 adamantane
A topological index is a numerical parameter mathematically derived from the graph structure. In this paper, we compute generalized version of the first Zagreb index, general connectivity index, general sum connectivity index, general reformulated index, forgotten topological index, harmonic index, inverse sum indeg index, atom bond connectivity index, augmented Zagreb index and other topological indices for tetrameric 1,3-adamantane.
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V.R.Kulli, College Graph Theory, Vishwa International Publications, Gulbarga, India, (2012).
B.Furtula and I.Gutman, A forgotten topological index, J. Math. Chem., 53(2015), 1184-1190.
X.Li and J.Zheng, A unified approach to the extremal trees for different indices, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 54(2005), 195-208.
S.Nikoli´c, G.Kova´cevi´c, A.Mili´cevi´c and N.Trinajsti´c, The Zagreb indices 30 years after, Croatica Chemica Acta CCACAA, 76(2)(2003), 113-124.
V.R.Kulli, Some topological indices of certain nanotubes, Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, 8(1)(2017), 1-7.
V.R.Kulli, General topological indices of circumcoronene series of benzenoid, International Research Journal of Pure Algebra, 7(5)(2017), 748-753.
G.H.Shirdel, H.Rezapour and A.M.Sayadi, The hyper-Zagreb index of graph operations, Iranian J.Math.Chem., 4(2)(2013) 213-220.
B.Zhou and N.Trinajsti´c, On a novel connectivity index, J. Math. Chem., 46(2009), 1252-1270.
O.Favaron, M.Maho and J.F.Sacle, Some eiganvalue properties in graphs (conjectures of Griffiti II), Discrete Math., 111(1-3)(1993), 192-220.
L.Zhong, The harmonic index for graphs, Appl. Math. Lett., 25(3)(2012), 561-566.
B.Zhou, Yong Yang and N.Trinajsti´c, On reciprocal reverse Wiener index, J. Math. Chem., 47(1)(2010), Article Id: 201.
V.R.Kulli, The first and second ka indices and coindices of graphs, International Journal of Mathematical Archive, 7(5)(2016), 71-77.
M.Randi´c, On characterization of molecular branching, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 97(23)(1975), 6609- 6615.
V.R.Kulli, B.Chaluvaraju and H.S.Boregowda, Some degree based connectivity indices of Kulli cycle windmill graphs, South Asian Journal of Mathematics, 6(6)(2016), 263-268.
V.R.Kulli, B.Chaluvaraju and H.S.Boregowda, Computation of connectivity indices of path windmill graphs, submitted.
L.Clark and I.Gutman, The exponent in the general Randi index, J. Math. Chem., 43(2008), 32-44.
A.Miliˇcevi´c, S.Nikoli´c and N. Trinajsti´c, On reformulated Zagreb indices, Mol. Divers., 8(2004), 393-399.
V.R.Kulli, On K-edge index and coindex of graphs, International Journal of Fuzzy Mathematical Archive, 10(2)(2016), 111-116.
V.R.Kulli, K-edge index of some nanostructures, Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, 7(7)(2016), 373-378.
V.R.Kulli, Computation of general topological indices for titania nanotubes, International Journal of Mathematical Archive, 7(12)(2016) 33-38.
D.Vukiˇcevi´c and M. Ga´sperov, Bond additive modelling 1. Adriatic indices, Croat. Chem. Acta, 83(2010), 243-260.
V.R.Kulli, Some Gourava indices and inverse sum indeg index of certain networks, International Research Journal of Pure Algebra, 7(7)(2017).
E.Estrada, L.Torres, L.Rodriguez and I.Gutman, An atom bond connectivity index modelling the enthalpy of formation of alkanes, Indian J. Chem., 37(1998), 849-855.
B.Furtula, A.Graovac and D.Vukiˇcevi´c, Augmented Zagreb index, J. Math. Chem., 48(2010), 370-380.
B.Furtula, A.Graovac and D.Vukiˇcevi´c, Atom bond connectivity index of trees, Discr. Appl. Math., 157(2009), 2828-2835.
G.H.Fath-Tabar, A.Azad and N.Elahinezhad, Some topological indices of tetrameric 1,3-adamantane, Iranian J. Math. Chem., 1(1)(2010), 111-118.
How to Cite
V.R.Kulli. (2017). General Topological Indices of Tetrameric 1,3-Adamantane. International Journal of Current Research in Science and Technology, 3(8), 26-33. Retrieved from