The Importance of using the English Language in Physics and Mathematics

  • Sonia Israni Assistant professor, Department of English, Government Rajeev Lochan College, Rajim, India.
Keywords: English language, Physics and Mathematics, international and standard language, importance of English language


English has an important role in the world as an international language. English language is one tool to establish our view point. We can make use of English to promote our knowledge. Today, the role of English is considered very important in the field of Physics and Mathematics. There are many alphabets used for known and unknown quantities in Physics and Mathematics as, in the triangle ABC, A = 90◦, B = 45◦, C=?. There are many alphabetic signs as, Alpha (α), Beta (β), Theta (θ) used in Physics and Mathematics. English defines the words accurately to all the subjects. Therefore English is the most standard language in education and other subjects.


A.L.Banbela and Y.P.Patel, Physics, Ugbodh Publication, Raipur.

Shriwastav and Ragendra Kumar, Mathematics, Ugbodh Publication, Raipur. 890/
How to Cite
Sonia Israni. (2016). The Importance of using the English Language in Physics and Mathematics. International Journal of Current Research in Science and Technology, 2(1), 37-39. Retrieved from