An Analytical Study of Brownian Motion

  • S.K.Patel Department of Physics, Government Digvijay P.G. College, Rajnandgaon, India.
Keywords: Brownian Motion, Brownian Motion,, colloidal Solution, random walk


In the present paper it has been emphasized the analytical study of Brownian motion. This phenomenon was discovered by an English botanist Broun in 1827 while examining the suspension of fine inanimate spores in water microscopically. It has been found that the spores dancing about in a state of random motion. It has also been observed that if a colloidal solution be examined particles appear moving to and fro, rapidly and continuously in an entirely random way. Further Einsteins theory of translational Brownian motion explains the physical nature of the phenomenon. Clearly a development in the experimental and theoretical investigations of Brownian motion is presented. Einstein who did not like Gods game of playing disc for electrons in an atom himself put forward a theory of Brownian movement allowing God to play the disc. The vital role played by his random walk model in the evolution of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics multitude of its applications is highlighted. Also induced are the basics of Langevins theory for Brownian motion.


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How to Cite
S.K.Patel. (2016). An Analytical Study of Brownian Motion. International Journal of Current Research in Science and Technology, 2(1), 15-19. Retrieved from