Finding Rank Orders of the Elementary Concepts of Algebra Used in S.C.E. of Visva-Bharati
In this paper, an attempt has been made to find the rank orders of identified top seventy two elementary concepts of algebra which were used to solve the algebraic problems and arithmetical problems which may be solved by algebraic method of two years question papers of mathematics of School Certificate Examination (S.C.E.) (1999 & 2000) of The Visva-Bharati Central University through task analysis technique. The teachers as well as learners will be benefited in several ways like to diagnose the weakness of the learners, to find the difficult order of these concepts, to emphasize on the learning of these concepts at appropriate grade levels etc. after knowing these elementary concepts. This study will help the entire curriculum development of school mathematics.
Sk.Samsul Alam, An Investigation of the Students‘ Understanding Elementary Concepts of Algebra at Secondary Education, Mathematics Education Forum, II(32)(2012), 16-21.
Sk.Samsul Alam, A Study of Major Concepts in Mathematics at Secondary Level, Vol-1, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrcken, Germany, (2013).
Sk.Samsul Alam, A Study of Major Concepts in Mathematics at Secondary Level, Vol-2, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrcken, Germany, (2014).
Sk.Samsul Alam, A Study of Major Concepts in Mathematics at Secondary Level, Vol-3, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrcken, Germany, (2014).
Sk.Samsul Alam, Identifying the Elementary Concepts of Algebra and Their Rank Orders Used in I.C.S.E. Examination, International Journal of Mathematics And its Applications, 3(4B)(2015), 29-36.