An Implementation of Hybrid Cryptographic Protocol For Facial Image Security
Security is a prime concern for user authentication and there are so many methods to ensure the user authentication. One of the available methods is biometric authentication. Encryption is also considered to be the better alternative to enhance the security of the biometric images. Even though, there are so many biometric traits used for user authentication, this work considers only the facial images of the user for their authentication due to its simplicity and ease of implementation. The core aim of this paper is to implement a security protocol for facial image security using both symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic techniques. This hybrid approach ensures the security of facial image while transferring through unreliable communication channel against various security attacks. Symmetric algorithms provide a simple biometric encryption. Since the key distribution in symmetric cryptographic algorithms is critical, the secret key of the symmetric algorithms can be encrypted using asymmetric cryptographic algorithms and so provide higher security. In this paper, the proposed protocol, an effective mechanism for confidentiality and authentication for facial image security system by using AES and ECC. The performance is measured considering the various factors like file size, encryption time, decryption time, throughput, False Acceptance Rate and False Rejection Rate.
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