On Multiplicative F-Indices and Multiplicative Connectivity F-Indices of Chemical Networks

  • V. R. Kulli Department of Mathematics, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Multiplicative F-indices, multiplicative hyper F-indices, multiplicative connectivity indices, network


The forgotten topological index or F-index is among the most studied topological index, since its applications have been found in Chemistry. In this paper, we compute the multiplicative first and second F-indices, multiplicative first and second hyper F-indices, multiplicative sum connectivity F-index, multiplicative product connectivity F-index, multiplicative atom bond connectivity F-index and multiplicative geometric-arithmetic F-index of armchair polyhex nanotubes, zigzag polyhex nanotubes and carbon nanocone networks.


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How to Cite
V. R. Kulli. (2019). On Multiplicative F-Indices and Multiplicative Connectivity F-Indices of Chemical Networks. International Journal of Current Research in Science and Technology, 5(2), 1-10. Retrieved from https://crst.gfer.org/index.php/crst/article/view/111