Effect of Physical and Chemical Mutagenesis on Grains Germination Studies, Effectiveness and Efficiency of Maize (corn) Zea Mays (L.)
In the present study was undertaken to investigate the nature of induced genetic variability in Zea mays (L.) variety sugar 75 were subjected to physical and chemical mutagenic treatments for two generations. The physical and chemical mutagens namely, gamma rays and DES (Diehthyl sulphate) was used. The mutagenic treatment seeds were tested for lethal dose 50 per cent for all mutagens, separately and the dose at which 50 per cent of the seed germination was considered as LD50 values, separately mutagenic seeds were grown in the field. In Gamma rays was found to be more effective and efficient than the other mutagens. The effectiveness was producing germination, morphological and viable mutants. The efficiency was observed based on the lethality and injury while the mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency generally decreased with increased in the higher doses of the mutagens in certain level of dose/concentrations.
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