On Contra-λB-Continuous Functions
ΛB-sets, λB-open set, contra-B-continuous function, contra-λB-continuous function, contra-Bg-continuous function, contra-BRC-continuous function
In [5] Dontchev introduced and investigated a new notion of continuity called contra-continuity. Jafari and Noiri [7–9] introduced new generalizations of contra-continuity called contra-α-continuity, contra-super-continuity, contra-precontinuity. The objective of this paper is to introduce and study the properties of new class of contra continuous functions via the new sets called λB-closed sets.
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M.E.Abd El-Monsef, A.M.Kozae and R.A.Abu-Gdairi, New approaches for generalized continuous functions, Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, 4(27)(2010), 1329-1339.
M.Caldas and S.Jafari, Some properties of contra-β-continuous functions, Mem. Fac. Sci. Kochi Univ. Ser. A Math., 22(2001), 19-28.
M.Caldas, S.Jafari, G.Navalagi and M.Simoes, More on λ-closed sets in topological spaces, (submitted).
J.Dontchev, Contra-continuous functions and strongly S-closed spaces, Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci., 19(2)(1996), 303-310.
J.Dontchev and T.Noiri, Contra semi-continuous functions, Math. Pannon, 10(2)(1999), 159-168.
S.Jafari and T.Noiri, On contra-precontinuous functions, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., (2)25(2)(2002), 115-128.
S.Jafari and T.Noiri, Contra α-continuous functions between topological spaces, Iran. J. Sci., 2(2)(2001), 153-167.
S.Jafari and T.Noiri, Contra-super-continuous functions, Annal. Univ. Sci. Budapest, 42(1999), 27-34.
N.Levine, Simple extension of topologies, Amer. Math. Monthly, 71(1964), 22-25.
H.Maki, Generalised Λ-sets and the associated closure operator, The special issue in Commemoration of Prof. Kazusada IKEDA Retirement, (1986), 139-146.
M.Murugalingam, O.Ravi and S.Nagarani, New generalized continuous functions, International Journal of Mathematics And its Applications 3(3B)(2015), 5562.
S.Pious Missier, O.Ravi and S.Jeyashri, On ΛBg-closed sets in topological spaces, Int. Journal Mathematical Archive, (2011), 870-875.
A.Vadivel, R.Vijayalakshmi and D.Krishnaswamy, B-Generalized regular and B-generalized normal spaces, International Mathematical Forum, 5(54)(2010), 2699-2706.
M.E.Abd El-Monsef, A.M.Kozae and R.A.Abu-Gdairi, New approaches for generalized continuous functions, Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, 4(27)(2010), 1329-1339.
M.Caldas and S.Jafari, Some properties of contra-β-continuous functions, Mem. Fac. Sci. Kochi Univ. Ser. A Math., 22(2001), 19-28.
M.Caldas, S.Jafari, G.Navalagi and M.Simoes, More on λ-closed sets in topological spaces, (submitted).
J.Dontchev, Contra-continuous functions and strongly S-closed spaces, Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci., 19(2)(1996), 303-310.
J.Dontchev and T.Noiri, Contra semi-continuous functions, Math. Pannon, 10(2)(1999), 159-168.
S.Jafari and T.Noiri, On contra-precontinuous functions, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., (2)25(2)(2002), 115-128.
S.Jafari and T.Noiri, Contra α-continuous functions between topological spaces, Iran. J. Sci., 2(2)(2001), 153-167.
S.Jafari and T.Noiri, Contra-super-continuous functions, Annal. Univ. Sci. Budapest, 42(1999), 27-34.
N.Levine, Simple extension of topologies, Amer. Math. Monthly, 71(1964), 22-25.
H.Maki, Generalised Λ-sets and the associated closure operator, The special issue in Commemoration of Prof. Kazusada IKEDA Retirement, (1986), 139-146.
M.Murugalingam, O.Ravi and S.Nagarani, New generalized continuous functions, International Journal of Mathematics And its Applications 3(3B)(2015), 5562.
S.Pious Missier, O.Ravi and S.Jeyashri, On ΛBg-closed sets in topological spaces, Int. Journal Mathematical Archive, (2011), 870-875.
A.Vadivel, R.Vijayalakshmi and D.Krishnaswamy, B-Generalized regular and B-generalized normal spaces, International Mathematical Forum, 5(54)(2010), 2699-2706.
How to Cite
T. Kavitha. (2017). On Contra-λB-Continuous Functions. International Journal of Current Research in Science and Technology, 3(10), 1-10. Retrieved from https://crst.gfer.org/index.php/crst/article/view/100